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European Space Agency

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The European Space Agency (ESA) was established in 1975 and is a cooperative effort of 22 European countries. It is independent of the European Union (EU) but works closely with the EU.

The ESA members are Germany (DLR), Austria (FFG), Belgium, Denmark (DTU), Spain (INTA), Finland, France (CNES), Greece, Ireland, Italy (ASI), Luxembourg, Norway (NSC), Netherlands (NLR, SRON), Portugal, Czech Republic, United Kingdom (UKSA), Sweden (SNSB), Switzerland (SERI), Estonia, Hungary, Poland, and Romania.

Not all of these countries are members of the EU. United Kingdom, Switzerland and Norway are not in the EU.

Not all members of the ESA are partners in the ISS. Austria, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Poland, Romania and the Czech Republic are not ISS partners.

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Last updated: 27 October 2023 17:26:07.

Times accessed: 28737

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