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Columbus Laboratory

The Columbus Laboratory is the biggest contribution of the European Space Agency (ESA) to the International Space Station. It will connect to Node 2 and is designed for a 10 year life..

Credit: ESA/D.Ducros
Columbus Laboratory at the NASA Space Station Processing Facility. (below)
(Click for a larger view)
Artist view of the Columbus Laboratory. (above)
(Click for a larger view)
columbus processing
Credit: NASA
columbus cut-away
Credit: ESA/D.Ducros
Artist representation of the Columbus Laboratory attached to Node 2 of the International Space Station. (below).
(Click for a larger view)
This artwork depicts a cutaway view of the Columbus Laboratory. (above)
(Click for a larger view)
columbus node 2
Credit: ESA/D.Ducros


Page last modified: 07 July 2017 13:31:45.